Monday, February 11, 2013

The Atlantic Charter: What I know....

What was the Atlantic Charter?
          The Atlantic Charter was pretty much a big long peice of paper telling the U.S. that we were allies with Britan. It was signed by Franklin Delenor Roosevelt and Winston Churchill. Churchill also wrote the charter.
When was it signed?
          The Charter was finalized and signed on August 14th, 1941.
Who are the old guys in the photo?
           The two men talking are Franklin Roosevelt (on the left) and Winston Churchill (on the right).

The most Depressing of The Depression

I find that the most depressing part of the Great Depression was the fact that schols were forced to be shut down in specific parts of the country. The children were forced to stay home, or beg out on the streets, or even work for the men who were selling illegal alchohol for money so they could help their family. Some Children even starting causing problems with authorities out on the streets. With the lack of dicipline they used to get from their teachers, they thought they could do as they pleased. These children were the ones with problems at home and the ones who couldn't afford much if not anything... It's very sad to think about expessially if you could imagine yourself in their shoes.